Our fundamental goals

Improve the conversation

Conversations are hard when there’s not much to talk about. We built Highlight to help the people who provide services talk to the people who consume them. Have the same, easily-scannable picture on your screen and theirs, and talk about it. Look at how your usage levels are growing here, and here. Sorry about that outage last week — see, Monday evening? I chased it up and here’s what we found. If you introduce ICT, as you mentioned, then these three sites won’t have enough performance — see? We should talk about an upgrade. That slowdown you mentioned? it’s a pattern — see? every Friday afternoon. Highlight enables productive communication that creates mutually beneficial and commercial successful outcomes. Stay on the same page — literally — and have more relevant conversations with your customers.

Empower the non-technical user

A common first reaction to seeing Highlight is “We already have that capability”. What they mean is “Engineering has tools that can get this”. Our next question is simply, how often do your sales teams use those tools? If you have a portal, how often do your customers log in to it? It’s ironic that the people who can actually drive commercial outcomes (on both sides of the provider/consumer relationship) usually don’t have access to operational tools, and wouldn’t have the deep technical skills to interpret the information if they did.

Highlight puts clear crisp information in the hands of people who run that relationship and make commercial decisions — a unique, graphical, single-pane-of-glass interface that is focused on relevant and meaningful insights.

Speak “Service Provider”

The biggest issues in our market appear when service providers try to repurpose enterprise monitoring tools to work in their environment. Proper multi-tenancy is hard to do, and enterprise tools are not designed to help teams that deliver a paid-for service — it’s a very different set of priorities. Highlight is designed to help service providers support dozens or thousands of customers effortlessly. And things that make the SP environment unique, like Service Levels, Maintenance Windows, Product Names, MSOs are all there, so you don’t need to spend time customising or doing integration work bending a badly-fitting tool to fit your environment. We’ve had partners that go from “Sign us up!” to “This is a whole new view of our customers!” in 48 hours.

The right information, in one place

Everything about Highlight is built to make accessing the right information easy. Central to that outcome is a single-pane-of-glass interface — one login providing all the information every different stakeholder might need and covering a full range of technologies. You can review your entire IT estate with a bird’s-eye-view, and then zoom in to investigate the details when needed. Providing all of this in a cloud-based solution creates a centralised hub that can be accessed at any time, anywhere. Operational tools may still be essential for your engineers to keep the lights on, and platforms like SD-WAN come with a free portal — but they’re usage- or technology-specific, and not designed for business people. Network connectivity needs to be end-to-end, so your picture of it should be too.


Meet the team

Management team

Richard Thomas

CEO & Founder

Richard founded netEvidence in 2000 and rebranded the company to Highlight in 2016. Richard developed a SaaS focused on performance monitoring that enables technical and non-technical users within the NSP/MSP market, and their corporate customers to see network and application services in a “single pane of glass.”

Anthony Madden

Director of Operations & Engineering

Anthony has over 15 years of experience in management, service delivery and project management within the tech, legal and healthcare sectors. He is responsible for Highlight’s cloud infrastructure, technical support and is keenly focused on ensuring business critical continuity for Highlight partners.

Martin Saunders


Martin has a proven record in the high-tech sector leading and delivering strategic programmes. Martin defines, plans and executes the product roadmap, ensuring continuous enhancement and growth of Highlight in the marketplace. He brings over 15 years of expertise.

Bimal Modha

Sales Director

Bimal has 20+ years of sales, marketing and business development experiences for multi-national companies such as BT Retail, BT Global Services, Tiscali, Virgin Media Business and Virtual1. Now Bimal is leading the Sales team promoting how Highlight can really support the channel.

Sales team

Michael Carey

Sales Account Director

Craig Smith

Technical Account Manager

The results speak for themselves

“The big benefit of Highlight is that it drives user engagement; it’s an excellent way for people to see how a connection or an application is performing.”

Mike Ayers – Chief Commercial Officer, NASSTAR

“Highlight is a tightly-focused team – responsive and forward-looking. They’ve met all our requirements, including some which were definitely not out-of-the-box. Overall, they’ve been excellent to work with.”

Walter Rossi – Technical Architecture Consultant, Visionist

“Highlight’s simplicity is its real appeal. The user interface is easy to understand, easy to set up and the data is easy to access. At a glance, our NOC team can narrow down the root cause of issues to stability, load or health.”

Darren Brown – Network Manager, Spirit

Our Partners