Highlight for service provider Service Managers

Despite demands for increasingly complex multi-vendor networks, enterprise organisations expect a high level of service from their service provider. If they feel that they aren’t getting the level of service that they expect then the provider-customer relationship breaks down and churn is inevitable.


The best way to keep customers satisfied is to build a strong relationship with them, but the large amount of customer accounts that most service provider service managers are assigned can make it difficult to give each customer the attention they require. Highlight is the key to enabling trust and responsiveness, providing service managers with the tools to quickly and effectively build relationships that last.

A service manager meeple ready to provide first class service using Highlight

Achieve more with your resources for a satisfied and loyal customer portfolio

Bring a new level of transparency and trust to customer conversations

The Highlight Service Observability platform provides both you and your customers with a shared view of network service performance, including a wide range of technologies like Broadband, WiFi, SD-WAN, Cellular and others. Information is clear, graphical and easy to understand. Giving service provider and customer the same view ensures that all conversations start on a basis of shared understanding and builds trust between all parties in the relationship.

Utilise readily understandable performance figures for greater efficiency

Analysing raw network service data can be horribly complex and hard to understand. Highlight translates and aggregates network technical data into simple, service-focused insights. Being able to access and easily understand this information without leaning on technical teams to get answers saves time and expense, ensuring that you can provide your customer with quick and meaningful responses to requests.

Easily provide service management reports usually reserved for premium customers

Highlight’s vendor-agnostic platform allows data from disparate vendors and device types to be accessed from a single pane of glass. It’s quick and easy to generate consolidated service management reports that give your customers a unified view of how their services are being delivered. Reports that usually would have taken many hours to collate can be generated swiftly, opening a premium level of service to a larger number of customers.

Automated reporting through API integration

In addition to Highlight’s native reporting features, the platform’s reporting API allows secure automated external access to service performance metrics. This further streamlines the reporting process and allows the integration of network service metrics into other internal platforms without the need to expend unnecessary time and effort to consolidate separate data sources.

Add Service Observability to your service management process

The ideal situation for enterprise customers is that their service Provider acts as a virtual member of their IT team. Using the Highlight Service Observability Platform enables enhanced collaboration and cooperation in the management of your customers’ network services, greatly improving efficiency and clarity of communication in the relationship. The more productive and effective those conversations become, the more your customers will trust your services. Incorporate service observability into your service management structure today and increase customer satisfaction for longer and more satisfying relationships.
