Produce and provide definitive proof of delivery

The world has changed, and technology has changed the way customers consume services. Service Providers are always adding new technologies to their portfolio and constantly evolving the way that they physically deliver networks but the vast majority of them are still using outdated methods for defining performance targets and reporting their fulfilment to Enterprise customers.

A helping hand ensuring you get delivery of the network services you are promised.

Define and prove the value of services

Modern consumer expectations extend to network services

Visibility is integral to almost all provided services these days, not just network services. Even with small transactions, such as food delivery, it is often possible for the buyer to see every step of the process, from the moment they place the order all the way to the moment it is delivered. This integration of service visibility into everyday life means that Enterprise customer expectations are high when it comes to network services. They expect to be able to see that what they have been promised is actually being delivered.

Standard Service Level Agreements are no longer enough for customers

One of the biggest reasons why Service Level Agreements (SLA) are failing to satisfy Enterprise customers is that they have extremely limited means of confirming whether their provider is hitting their agreed targets. They simply must take it on faith that their Service Provider is telling them the truth. Without any clear confirmation of performance, it is perfectly possible for a Service Provider to hit their SLA targets and for the customer to have a negative perception of their service experiences.

Define and demonstrate the value of delivered services using Highlight

The best way to keep Enterprise customers invested in their network service is to make sure that they are aware of what is being delivered to them. The Highlight Service Observability Platform provides a shared view of network service performance that enables Service Providers to define, in detail, what customers can expect from their service and then definitively demonstrate the fulfilment of that service.

Keep customers informed to keep them invested

Expand the ability to confirm network service performance so that both Service Provider commercial teams and Enterprise IT Managers can see exactly what is working and what isn’t. Using the Highlight platform’s customisable reporting and alerting features, monthly or weekly reports can keep all participants in the know, and issues can be spotted and proactively sorted before they become relationship-damaging problems.

If Enterprise customers can see that their Service Provider is delivering on their promises and can also see the efforts being made to fulfil those promises over the course of the contract, then their view of the service is far more positive than when they are kept in the dark. If the same information is easily accessible to Service Provider commercial roles, then Service Managers and Sales teams will be equipped to use real performance metrics to emphasize successes in meetings with their customers.
