Know your network with enhanced reporting & alerting

Modern networks are complex, and with new SD-WAN technology being added to many networks that complexity will only increase in the future. Highlight has over twenty years of experience in making complex networking data simple and easy to understand. through having a thorough understanding of both the networking technology but also how that translates into the service being consumed by the end customer.

This combined knowledge results in the Highlight Service Observability Platform only showing the most important information at any given moment, reducing the time and knowledge needed to get to the bottom of an issue and solve it.

Simple visualisation also has an added benefit, speed. Highlight’s user interface is incredibly fast, even at scale, with tens of thousands of services being watched. If you’re under pressure in the middle of a service outage you need clear information fast, Highlight has your back.

A report icon and an alert icon together

Get instant understanding of service performance at the detail level of your choosing

Heat Tile visualisation

Highlight’s unique heat tile is the primary starting point for real-time network status assessment in our service observability platform. At a glance, you can see if there is a problem by the colour of the tile and if that problem is related to the stability, load or health of the service. You can also quickly see how long the problem has been going on for, and if it’s getting better or worse.

Large networks are likely to have many tiles, so this view can be filtered to only show tiles with problems, and, if required, further filtering can be applied to focus on just stability problems. In this view, Highlight is often used on a large screen as a wallboard.

Service and location tiles

Highlight’s heat tiles come in two forms, one representing a customer site called a Location Tile, the other representing a collection of common services called a Service Tile.

Location Tiles are focused on services at a given location, Service Tiles typically represent many services over many locations and they can be especially helpful if you want a quick summary of how all Broadband or cellular services are running, or if an application performance test is failing over many locations.

Grid View

Highlight’s Grid View is an extension of location tiles and unpacks one or many locations into their common constituent parts and displays them in Underlay, Overlay and LAN category column groups.

The Highlight platform's Grid View with multiple network locations diagnosed with ongoing issues.

With the status of these components displayed as a grid, you can scan across a location row to see, at a glance, the status of a range of services at a location, or scan down a column to see the status of common services over many locations. This view provides is a quick and easy way to isolate the source of problems for service optimisation.

Details page

Once a problem has been identified with a given service, Highlight’s details page is where the important information can be found on why the problem occurred. Highlight’s clean and simple design philosophy continues here, with charts and graphs carefully designed to tell a story using colours and iconography that can be understood by any user.

Highlight platform watch details page.

Time zones

To cater for international networks and users, information on the details page can be displayed in one of three different time zone options with a drop-down to switch between them

Customisable alerting

Monitoring and alerting are a fundamental part of any managed network service, but a critical part of alerting is ensuring the alerts are efficient and effective at raising awareness of a problem without overloading the team receiving the alert. It’s very common for technical monitoring tools to generate ‘alert storms’ and false positive alerts which overwhelm an operations team and result in monitoring on important services being disabled to reduce the workload.

You decide what’s high priority

The Highlight Service Observability Platform has a uniquely advanced but easy-to-use alert sensitivity and filtering system that enables you to simply tune how quickly it responds to issues. For example, you can set sensitivity high for stability issues on critical network services, while reducing sensitivity on load, which is only a problem if it happens for a long time.

The Highlight platform alert sensitivity customisation page.

Highlight alerting can also be tightly integrated with any external IT service management tool through either email or webhook-based alerts. With the Highlight platform, you’re the first to know if there is a problem that needs fixing.

Flexible unified reporting

On-demand and scheduled reports are a core feature of Highlight covering summarised data going back a minimum of 500 days. On-demand reporting, available to all users, is fast and on-screen in seconds regardless of the size of network, or alternatively scheduled reports can be emailed to any number of recipients on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Highlight reports can include automated analysis, making preparation for service reviews between provider and enterprise faster and more accurate. Availability figures show how each watch performed against the Service Level Agreement (SLA) with maintenance periods already excluded.

Business hours

Highlight platform details page chart with business hours filtering

Highlight provides the option to use business hours when displaying traffic trend graphics, for filtering report results, and when generating alerts. This is a powerful way to control Highlight reporting so that calculations and values are based on times when the location is actually working and reliant on the network, rather than being skewed by overnight behaviour.

SLA now

At Highlight, we understand how important the customers’ perception of service success is for Service Providers. When SLA information can be easily retrieved and quickly reported on, customers’ service experience is greatly enhanced. Unlike other cloud or on-premise services that often require you to transpose your data from one system to another, Highlight continuously strives to make the measuring and monitoring of services quick and easy to view and report on.

Having a shared, unbiased and transparent single source of service performance enables you and your customers to have the same understanding of issues and thereby work on improvements to ensure the service performance meets or exceeds expectations.


An inventory list of equipment gathered through the Highlight platform reporting suite

The inventory page in Highlight is a table listing device details gathered directly from the device and updated every four hours. This contains accurate data across an entire estate including, IP address, vendor, type, licence, serial number, last restarted date/time and more. This data can be used for reconciliation in Finance teams or to check software versions by Operations teams.

Reporting API

In addition to Highlight’s dashboard-based reporting engine, the Highlight platform also provides a reporting API which enables third-party systems and tools to efficiently pull reporting data out of Highlight for further analysis and integration into external systems.
